Checkout API

Ottu provides a comprehensive collection of APIs that offer a seamless and efficient way to test payments and enable merchants to accept and process transactions instantly. The Checkout API is the cornerstone of any payment initiation, whether it's API-based or SDK-based.

In order to ensure optimal transaction success tracking and minimize the number of required payment transactions, merchants should create a Payment Transaction as soon as the amount is known. This typically occurs when a customer adds their first item to their cart. Following this, any changes to the total amount should be updated using the Checkout API PATCH method.

By updating the same payment transaction, rather than creating a new one for each payment attempt, merchants can more effectively trace customer interactions with their cart. This is particularly useful for events such as insufficient funds, where a customer may remove an item from their cart and successfully complete a transaction on their next attempt. Tracking and analyzing such events can help merchants make data-driven decisions for future improvements.

Permissions are managed using Basic Authentication and API-Key. Specifically, Basic Authentication is used to grant permissions for creating, updating, and reading data, as well as using allowed PG codes when creating or updating payment transactions.

It is important to ensure that the appropriate level of permissions is assigned to each user or application using the APIs. This can help to prevent unauthorized access or modification of sensitive data. Additionally, it is recommended to rotate API-Keys on a regular basis and to use secure password storage practices when using Basic Authentication.

Ottu Checkout API supports different levels of permissions for the Payment Request and E-Commerce plugins. The permissions depend on the authentication method being used.

When using the API-Key, all permissions are granted by default, as the API-Key is considered to have admin permissions. See How to Generate API Keys

For Basic Authentication, permissions are granted as follows:

  • To create a transaction, the user needs specific permission depending on the plugin being used:

  • Permission to use the payment gateway code is also required: "Can use pg_code"

  • To update a transaction, the user needs specific permission depending on the plugin being used:

  • Permission to use the payment gateway code is also required: "Can use pg_code"

The PUT operation cannot be used if the user does not have permission to use the previously defined payment gateway code on the transaction. For PATCH, updates can be performed as long as the payment gateway codes are not updated.

  • By default, if a user has either the "Can add" or "Can change" permission, they can fetch transactions from the API.

  • For more granular control, the following view permissions can be used:

The objective of the POST request is to facilitate the creation of payment transactions and the subsequent generation of payment links, each of which is associated with a unique session ID. These links can be effortlessly shared with customers through a range of communication channels, including email, WhatsApp, and SMS. Additionally, it is possible to incorporate the customer's billing and shipping information into the transaction. Moreover, users of this API have the ability to include diverse forms of data and information within the body request.

agreement object optional

An established contractual arrangement with the payer, which authorizes the merchant to securely store and subsequently utilize their payment information for specific purposes. This could encompass arrangements like recurring payments for services such as mobile subscriptions, installment-based payments for purchases, arrangements for ad-hoc charges like account top-ups, or for standard industry practices like penalty charges for missed appointments. For more information please refer here.

agreement object details

id string optional

It serves as a unique identifier for the agreement established with the payer. It is integral to link to the specific terms and conditions authorized by the payer for processing their stored card details. The Agreement ID plays a crucial role as an identifier for correlated payments associated with a customer order or invoice, highlighting the need for it to vary based on the correlated payments.

amount_variability string optional

It defines if the payment amount can vary with each transaction within the agreement. Enum: fixed, variable

start_date date optional

The date on which the agreement with the payer to process payments begins.

expiry_date date optional

The final date until which the agreement remains valid.

max_amount_per_cycle string optional

The agreed-upon maximum amount for an individual payment within the series.

cycle_interval_days integer optional

The number of days between each recurring payment

total_cycles integer optional

The total number of payment cycles within the agreement duration.

frequency string optional

This pertains to the frequency of payments within the series as agreed upon with the payer. Such as: irregular, daily, ⁣weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi_annually, yearly, and other. When type set as unscheduled, frequency should set as irregular.

type string optional

The type of commercial agreement that the payer has with the merchant, which can fall into categories such as:

  • recurring (Default value)

  • unscheduled

  • other

  • event_based

  • installment

seller object optional

It details about the retailer, if the agreement is for installment payments. seller child object:

  • category_code string A 4-digit code classifying the retailer's business by the type of goods or services it offers.

  • short_name string Abbreviation of the retailer's trading name, suitable for payer's statement display.

  • names string The retailer's trading name.

extra_params object optional

Additional parameters related to the agreement. extra_params child object:

  • payment_processing_day int Day of the month on which the payment must be processed. Not required for unscheduled payment agreements. The retailer's trading name.

It is imperative for the merchant to strictly avoid including these parameters when the payment type is labeled as "one-off" The agreement parameter should be sent exclusively when the payment type is designated as "auto-debit".

amount string required

Represents the total amount of the payment transaction, which includes the cost of the purchased items or services but excludes any additional fees or charges. The number of decimals must correlate with the currency_code. Max length: 24 Min value: 0.01

attachment file optional

Attachments can be included as an optional feature in email notifications sent to the customer regarding their payment. These attachments will also be available for download on the checkout page. The primary purpose of this field is to provide the customer with additional information or documentation related to their purchase. However, it's important to note the following:

  • Attachments should be sent using the multipart/form-data encoding type. Ensure that you change the content type to multipart/form-data when sending attachments. They cannot be sent using JSON encoding.

  • Allowed file extensions for attachments include: PDF, JPEG, PNG, DOC, DOCX, JPG, XLS, XLSX, and TXT.

  • The name of the attached file should not exceed 100 characters.

billing_address object optional

An object to save customer registered address data into payment transaction.

billing_address object details

1️ line1 string required

One of the billing address parameters and should be filled by street & house data. Max length: 128.

2️ line2 string optional

For accuracy purpose, Additional address data for the line1. Max length: 128.

3️city string required

The city where the customer is living and registered. Max length: 40.

4️ state string optional

State of the customer’s city (sometimes the same as the city). Max length: 40.

5️ country string required

Customer’s country, ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code. Will be validated against existing countries. Max length: 2.

6️ postal_code string optional

Postal code (maybe has different length for different countries). Max length: 12.

card_acceptance_criteria object optional

This field allows the merchant to define specific rules and conditions that a card must meet to be eligible for payment. These stipulations apply regardless of whether a customer chooses to pay using a saved card or opts to add a new card for the transaction. By leveraging the card_acceptance_criteria, merchant gains the power to fine-tune his payment processing strategy, tailoring acceptance rules to align with his business needs, security standards, and risk management policies.

Example: If merchant runs an exclusive service that caters predominantly to premium customers, he might set criteria that only allow transactions from high-tier credit cards like VISA Platinum. This ensures that payments align with the exclusivity and branding of his services. Merchant should configure these criteria thoughtfully. Striking the right balance between security, risk mitigation, and user experience is paramount.

The card_acceptance_criteria field is applicable only for direct payments and not for hosted session payments.

card_acceptance_criteria object details

min_expiry_time string optional

Specifies the minimum required validity period, in days, for a card to be eligible for payment. If set to 30 days, for example, cards set to expire within the next month would be declined. This ensures short-lived cards nearing their expiration date are filtered out, reducing chances of payment failures. When implementing, balance merchant's operational needs with customer convenience. Setting it too stringent might increase payment declines, while a lenient approach could risk future payment failures.

Additionally, it defaults to 30 days when the payment_type is auto_debit. If any other payment type is selected, no default value is set.

currency_code string required

The currency in which the transaction is denominated. However, it does not guarantee that the payment must be made in this currency, as there can be currency conversions or exchanges resulting in a different currency being charged. See currencies. 3 letters code.

customer_email string conditional

This field specifies the customer's email address and is used to send payment notifications and receipts. Additionally, it is used for fraud prevention and is transmitted to the payment gateway. The email address may also be included on invoices, receipts, and displayed on the payment page. It must be a valid email address. Max length 128

customer_first_name string optional

The first name of the recipient of the payment. This field is used for various communications such as the invoice, receipt, email, SMS, or displayed on the payment page. It may also be sent to the payment gateway if necessary. Max length 64.

customer_id string optional

The customer ID is a unique identifier for the customer within the merchant's system. It is also used as a merchant identifier for the customer and plays a critical role in tokenization. All the customer's cards will be associated with this ID. Max length: 64.

customer_last_name string optional

The last name of the recipient of the payment. This field is used for various communications such as the invoice, receipt, email, SMS, or displayed on the payment page. It may also be sent to the payment gateway if necessary. Max length 64.

customer_phone string conditional

Customer phone number associated with the payment. This might be sent to the payment gateway and depending on the gateway, it may trigger a click to pay process on the payment page. The phone number will also be included in the invoice, receipt, email, and displayed on the payment page. Max length 16.

It becomes a required parameter:

  • If the merchant wants to enable KFAST on KNET. KFAST is a tokenization feature on KPay page, which works with UDF3 mapped with customer_phone.

  • If SMS notifications are enabled, the notification.sms parameter must be included, making the customer_phone parameter required.

Otherwise, it remains optional parameter.

due_datetime string datetime optional

The date and time by which the payment is due. This field may be used to help remind the customer to complete the payment before the due date The default value is UTC. Should be in format (DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm)

email_recipients array of strings optional

A comma-separated list of email addresses for internal recipients who will receive customer emails. These recipients will be included in email notifications sent to the customer regarding their payment.

expiration_time string optional

If defined, any payment transactions created more than the defined period of time ago will be invalidated or expired if the customer tries to pay them. This field may be used to help ensure that payment transactions are processed in a timely manner. By default, this expiration period is set to 24 hours from the time of transaction creation. Should be In format (DD HH:MM:SS).

In order to automatically change the state to expired, Expire Payment Transactions? Field should be enabled.

From Ottu dashboard > administration panel > config > configuration page, then enable field Expire Payment Transactions? Otherwise, the transaction will be marked as expired when the customer attempts to pay past the expiration time.

If the expiration _time for a payment has passed, the payment state will be changed and cannot be paid. However, if the payment due_datetime has passed, the payment can still be paid, but the customer may incur fees or penalties. The state of the payment may not change in this case, but the customer's account may be impacted by the late payment.

extra object optional

An object for extra data aka dynamic fields. Extra data can accept any value by default. However, if the merchant wants to enforce a specific type, they can use the plugins.Field class to do so. All CUSTOM fields are validated inside extra field.

generate_qr_code bool optional

If set to true, the qr_code_url field will be present in the response. Upon scanning it, the customer will be redirected to the checkout_url, which is the Ottu Checkout page. Default value is false.

When set to true, the Checkout API will include the sdk_setup_preload_payload in its response. This payload facilitates immediate UI setup without the need for further API calls.

By default, the parameter is set to false, and the sdk_setup_preload_payload is not included in the API response.

language string optional

This field specifies the language to be used for communication with the customer, including the payment page, receipt, invoice, email, SMS, and any other communications related to the payment transaction. Available choices: en, ar. Default language is en. Max length: 2.

notifications object optional

An object that contains the notification settings for this payment transaction, including SMS and email notifications, as well as the events for which they will be sent (e.g., created, paid, refund, canceled, etc.). This field may be used to configure and customize the notifications sent to customers and internal recipients throughout the payment process.

notifications object details

1️ email list optional

Will be triggered at the following notification events: [ created, paid, canceled, failed, expired, authorized, voided, refunded, captured]

  • If the payment transaction transitions to an error state and an email notification has been set up for the failed state, then the customer will receive an email.

2️ sms list optional

Will be triggered at the following notification events: [ created, paid, canceled, failed, expired, authorized, voided, refunded, captured]

  • If the payment transaction transitions to an error state and an SMS notification has been set up for the failed state, then the customer will receive an SMS.

order_no string optional

The unique identifier assigned to this payment transaction. It is used for tracking purposes and is set by the merchant or the system. Max length: 128.

pg_codes array required

The list of payment gateway codes from which a customer can select to perform the payment or authorization. Customer uses only one PG code. For Basic authentication: User can use the PG code that has permission to access to. For API Private key: User can use all the PG code.

payment_type string optional

Enum: one_off, auto_debit, or save_card

  • one_off : For payments that occur only once without future commitments.

  • save_card : To indicates that the transaction is for the purpose of saving the card information. For additional information, please refer to the Tokenization without Payment document.

  • auto_debit : For payments that are automatically deducted, such as recurring subscriptions, installments, or unscheduled auto-debits. for more information about auto-debit API, please refer to Auto-Debit API documentation.

If auto_debit is selected:

  1. agreement and customer_id parameters will also be mandatory.

  2. Only PG codes supporting tokenization can be selected. As a side effect, the card used for the payment will be associated with the supplied This card will be locked, preventing the customer from deleting it from the system until an alternate card is chosen for auto-debit payments.

product_type string optional

The type of product or service being purchased. This field may be used for tracking and reporting purposes Max length: 128.

redirect_url string optional

It is the destination where customers are redirected after the payment stage, only if the webhook_url returns a success status. Query parameters, including order_no, reference_number, session_id, and any extra parameters, will be added to the redirect_url. For more information on how redirection works, please check here.

shipping_address object optional

An object to save address data into payment transaction

shipping_address object details

1️ line1 string required

Location details where the shipment should be delivered to. Should be filled by street & house data. Max length 128.

2️ line2 string optional

For accuracy purpose, Additional address data for the line1. Max length 128.

3️city string required

The city where the shipment should be delivered to. Max length 40.

4️ state string optional

The city where the shipment should be delivered to. (sometimes the same as the city). Max length 40.

5️ country string required

Destination country, ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code. Will be validated against existing countries. Max length: 2.

6️ postal_code string optional

Postal code (maybe has different length for different countries). Max length: 12.

7️ first_name string required

Shipment recipient first name. Max length: 64.

8️ last_name string required

Shipment recipient last name. Max length: 64.

9️ email string required

Shipment recipient email address. Max length: 128.

1️0️ phone string required

Shipment recipient phone number. Max length: 16.

If true, it generates short attachment retrieval URL, which could be embedded in either SMS, Email, or WhatsApp messages, as it uses fewer characters. If an external URL shortening service, such as Bitly, is configured, the attachment_short_url will be shorter than attachment response parameter. if not configured, the attachment_short_url will be in the same format with attachment response parameter. Default value is false.

shortify_checkout_url bool optional

If true, it generates short checkout retrieval URL, which could be embedded in either SMS, Email, or WhatsApp messages, as it uses fewer characters. If an external URL shortening service, such as Bitly, is configured, the checkout_short_url will be shorter than checkout_url parameter. If not configured, the checkout_short_url will be in the format of "https://<ottu-url>>/b/abc123". Default value is false.

type string required

The type of the payment transaction. This field represents the purpose of the payment and can be one of several pre-defined choices. Available choices: payment_request, e_commerce. Max length: 24.

attachment_upload_url string optional

A writable field used to reference an attachment that has already been uploaded to the server.

vendor_name string optional

The name of the vendor or merchant associated with this payment. This field may be used for accounting and reporting purposes. Max length: 64.

webhook_url string optional

In case of a payment event or payment operation, Ottu triggers an HTTP request to this URL, to disclose transactional data. It should be provided by merchant. See Webhook Payment Notification.

These parameters will be returned for all the response status.

agreement object conditional

It denotes a pre-arranged contractual agreement with the paying customer, enabling the secure retention and future use of their payment details for specific purposes. These agreements encompass various payment arrangements, including recurring service payments like mobile subscriptions, installment payments for purchases, one-time charges such as account reloads, or compliance with industry practices like penalty fees for missed appointments. See the request parameter agreement for more information.

Presence condition:

  • This parameter should be included when the payment_type is set to auto_debit On the other hand, it must not be sent when the payment_type is designated as one_off Importantly, this isn't restricted to just the initial transaction but should be consistently present in all following transactions associated with the "auto_debit" payment type.

In certain agreement types, the condition state becomes a required element. For further details on which parameters are mandatory for recurring agreements, please refer here.

amount string mandatory

Payment transaction total amount. The merchant should always check if the amount he receives from Ottu is the same amount of the order, to avoid user changing the cart amount in between. See the request parameter amount for more information.

attachment string conditional

Attachment retrieval URL. See the request parameter attachment for more information.

Presence condition:

  • The attachment should be uploaded using attachment request parameter.

attachment_short_url string conditional

A short attachment retrieval URL. Max length: 200.

Presence condition:

billing_address object conditional

Customer’s registered address data. See the request parameter billing_address for more information.

Presence condition:

  • Any child parameter provided with the billing_address object in the request payload will be populated in the response as billing_address child parameter.

card_acceptance_criteria object conditional

It outlines the rules for a card's payment eligibility See the request parameter card_acceptance_criteria for more information.

Presence condition:

checkout_short_url string conditional

Short checkout url.

Presence condition:

checkout_url string mandatory

URL that directs the customer to the Ottu Checkout Page where they can see the payment details and available payment methods for the transaction. If you need to share the payment link over SMS or WhatsApp, use checkout_short_url instead.

currency_code string mandatory

The code of the currency used in the transaction. See the request parameter currency_code for more information.

customer_email string conditional

Customer’s email address. See the request parameter customer_email for more information.

Presence condition:

customer_first_name string conditional

Customer’s first name. See the request parameter customer_first_name for more information.

Presence condition:

customer_id string conditional

It is a unique identifier assigned to a customer. This identifier can be used to distinguish one customer from another and can be utilized for tracking purposes or to retrieve specific customer information from the API. See the request parameter customer_id for more information.

Presence condition:

customer_last_name string conditional

Customer’s last name. See the request parameter customer_last_name for more information.

Presence condition:

custome_phone string conditional

Customer's phone number. See the request parameter customer_phone for more information.

Presence condition:

due_datetime string date-time mandatory

It specifies the deadline for payment. It has no effect on changing the transaction state, and the transaction can be paid even after due_datetime. See the request parameter due_datetime for more information.

email_recipients array of strings conditional

This is a list of internal email recipients, who will receive notifications sent to the customer about their payment. See the request parameter email_recipients for more information.

Presence condition:

expiration_time string mandatory

It refers to the specific point in time after which the transaction cannot be paid anymore, and its state changes accordingly. See the request parameter expiration_time for more information.

extra object conditional

It represents additional data fields that can be dynamically added to the response using the extra request parameter. See the request parameter extra for more information.

Presence condition:

  • Any child parameter provided with the extra object in the request payload will be populated in the response as extra object child parameter.

initiator_id integer(initiator) conditional

The user who initiated the creation of this payment transaction, if available. This field is optional and may be used to track who created the payment transaction Max length: 11.

Presence condition:

language string mandatory

It represents the language code that is utilized for all communication related to payment transactions with the customer, including payment page, receipt, invoice, email, and SMS For more details check the request parameter language

notifications object conditional

It represents the notification settings for this payment transaction which have been received and processed. See the request notifications for more information.

Presence condition:

  • Any child parameter provided with the notifications object in the request payload will be populated in the response as notifications child parameter.

operation string mandatory

Specifies the type of operation to be performed by the payment gateway. If set to 'purchase', the payment source will be directly charged. If set to 'authorize', the payment source will only be authorized and the actual charge will be made at a later time Max length: 16.

order_no string conditional

It is a unique identifier assigned to the payment transaction, which is primarily used for tracking purposes. The identifier can be set by the merchant or the system. See the request parameter order_no for information.

Presence condition:

  • order_no request parameter should be included in the request payload.

payment_methods array [object] mandatory

An array containing all the payment methods derived from the pg_codes input. Each object in the array contains information about a single payment gateway, including its icon and the redirect_url that will redirect the customer to the payment gateway's payment page

payment_methods object details

1️ code string

Code of the Gateway Settings instance

2️ name string

Name of the Gateway Settings instance.

3️ pg string

Name of the gateway, settings are applied to.

4️ is_sandbox bool

It is environment used for this PG settings or not.

5️ icon string

URL to default icon of the current gateway.

6️ flow string

Choice from (“redirect”, ...).

7️ redirect_url string

This URL redirects to the payment page.See redirect_url

pg_codes array mandatory

The options of the payment gateway codes included in the request payload to enable customers to make payments. See the request parameter pg_codes for more information.

payment_type string mandatory

It presents options such as one_off for one-time payments without future obligations and auto_debit for automated deductions, encompassing recurring subscriptions, installment payments, or unscheduled debits. For further details on the Auto Debit API and payment_type please refer to Auto-Debit API. Default value: "one_off". See the request parameter payment_type for more information.

product_type string conditional

The nature of the purchased product or service, which can be employed for the purpose of keeping track and generating reports. See the request parameter product_type for more information.

Presence condition:

  • product_type request parameter should be included in the request payload.

qr_code_url string conditional

A QR code that, when scanned, redirects to the checkout page for this payment. This QR code may be displayed on invoices, receipts, or other documents to allow customers to easily access the checkout page and make a payment.

Presence condition:

redirect_url string conditional

It represents the URL where the customer will be redirected after the payment stage is complete. See the request parameter redirect_url more information.

Presence condition:

sdk_setup_preload_payload object conditional

It is a JSON object containing preloaded data necessary for initializing the Checkout SDK. This data encompasses vital details such as customer information, available payment methods, and specific transaction details, all formatted according to the Checkout SDK's initialization specifications. By offering essential information upfront, this feature streamlines the checkout process, contributing to an improved user experience and increased efficiency.

It must be passed to the Checkout SDK constructor without any modifications.

Presence Conditions:

session_id string mandatory

A unique identifier for each payment transaction, used to maintain the session state during the payment process. It can be used to perform subsequent operations, like retrieve, acknowledge, refund, capture, and cancellation. Max length: 128.

shipping_address object conditional

Shipping location data of the customer. See the request parameter shipping_address for more information.

Presence condition:

  • The child objects of the shipping_address parameter provided in the request object will be populated as child objects of the shipping_address parameter in the response object.

state string mandatory

The current state of the payment transaction, it helps to understand the progress of the payment. Enum: created , pending , attempted , authorized , paid , failed , canceled , expired , invalided ,refunded , cod. See payment transaction state for more information.

type string mandatory

The type of the payment transaction. See the request parameter type for more information.

attachment_upload_url string conditional

A field in the response that contains the URL of an attachment that has already been uploaded to the server.

Presence condition:

vendor_name string conditional

It represents the name of the merchant or vendor associated with a payment transaction. For more information see vendor_name.

Presence condition:

  • The request parameter vendor_name should be included in the request payload.

webhook_url URL conditional

It contains the URL where the payment result will be sent via a POST request after the customer has completed the payment session. The payment result will be included in the request body. See Webhook Payment Notification.

Presence condition:

    "type": "payment_request",
    "pg_codes": ["pg_codes"],
    "amount": "14",
    "currency_code": "KWD",
    "customer_phone":"customer phone",
    "notifications": {
    "email": ["created", "paid", "canceled", "failed", "expired", "authorized", "voided", "refunded", "captured"],
    "sms": ["created", "paid", "canceled", "failed", "expired", "authorized", "voided", "refunded", "captured"]

"type", "pg_codes", "amount", and "currency_code" are required parameters. When we add notification we should add: "customer_email" for email notification. "customer_phone" for SMS notification.

    "amount": "14.000",
    "checkout_url": "https://<ottu-url>/b/checkout/redirect/start/?session_id=5ca114666d472a170d3c4ea6cadbf347679b2532",
    "currency_code": "KWD",
    "customer_email": "",
    "customer_phone": "customer phone",
    "due_datetime": "15/01/2023 11:04:55",
    "expiration_time": "1 00:00:00",
    "language": "en",
    "notifications": {
        "email": [
        "sms": [
    "operation": "authorize",
    "payment_methods": [
            "code": "pg_codes",
            "name": "ottu PG",
            "pg": "Ottu PG",
            "type": "sandbox",
            "amount": "14.000",
            "currency_code": "KWD",
            "fee": "0.000",
            "fee_description": "fix fee",
            "icon": "https://<ottu-url>/static/images/pg_icons/master_visa_mada.png",
            "flow": "redirect",
            "redirect_url": "https://<ottu-url>/checkout/5ca114666d472a170d3c4ea6cadbf347?chd-only=True"
    "pg_codes": [
    "session_id": "5ca114666d472a170d3c4ea6cadbf347",
    "state": "created",
    "type": "payment_request"

Update Payment

PATCH https://<ottu-url>/b/checkout/v1/pymt-txn/{session_id}




API key

Api-Key {{api_key}}

Using a patch function is a good method of increasing trustability whenever any change gets made to the payment transaction, such as updating the amount on the card or removing items from the cart.

All the same fields from create request can be used. The type of update is partial. But some fields can be cross-validated and require other fields to be provided.

Retrieve Payment

GET https://<ottu-url>/b/checkout/v1/pymt-txn/{session_id}

To get the information of the payment transaction.

The Checkout API is used to create and manage payment transactions. It enables merchants to generate a payment session (session_id), redirect users to a payment gateway, and receive payment updates via webhooks.

To create a payment transaction, send a POST request to the Checkout API with the required parameters:

  • amount – Payment amount

  • currency_code – Transaction currency

  • pg_codes – Payment gateways allowed

  • type - e_commerce or payment_request

After submission, the API returns a session_id, which is required for processing the transaction.

To prevent a payer from completing a payment after a specific period, you need to configure the expiration_time parameter based on the payment gateway (PG) auto inquiry time. This ensures that even if the user remains on the payment page, they won’t be able to proceed once the expiration time has passed.

The expiration time should be set as:

expiration_time = auto inquiry time + max{PG auto inquiry time}

  • Auto inquiry time:

    This is the time Ottu waits before automatically checking the transaction status with the payment gateway. for more information, please refer here.

  • PG auto inquiry time:

    This is the maximum duration the payment gateway allows before timing out a payment session. More information about PG auto inquiry time is accessible here.

Example Calculation:

  • For MPGS (Mastercard Payment Gateway Services), the PG auto inquiry time is 11 minutes.

  • For KNET, the PG auto inquiry time is 8 minutes.

If your system sets an auto inquiry time of 5 minutes, then:

This means that after 16 minutes (for MPGS) or 13 minutes (for KNET), the payer will not be able to complete the transaction, even if they are still on the payment page.

Yes! You can update a transaction before it is completed by sending a PUT request to the Checkout API, referencing the session_id. Updates might include modifying the amount, currency_code, or allowed pg_codes.

If a customer does not complete the payment, the transaction remains in a pending state until it expires. Ottu's automatic inquiry will check the status based on the configured timing and update the state accordingly.

Ottu sends a payment notification webhook to the webhook_url you provided in the API request. The webhook contains details like:

  • status: success, failed, pending

  • amount and currency_code

  • pg_response: Response from the payment gateway

Ensure your server verifies and processes these webhook notifications.

  • webhook_url – The API sends real-time payment updates it (for backend processing).

  • redirect_url – After payment, the customer is sent to it (for UI redirection).

For more details on redirection behavior related to webhook_url, please refer to this section.

Both are optional but recommended for a seamless experience.

Yes, if a transaction fails, you can reuse the same session_id. the payment state will be attempt. for more information about , please refer here.

Yes! Use Auto-Debit with a payment_type set to auto_debit to create agreements for recurring transactions. Learn more in the Auto-Debit.

The Checkout SDK (Web, Android, iOS) requires a session_id from the Checkout API. Your backend should:

  1. Call the Checkout API to create a transaction.

  2. Pass the session_id to the SDK for UI rendering.

  3. Handle webhooks for transaction updates.

Last updated