Merchant First Journey

This section guides merchants through managing property rentals using the Ottu Real Estate plugin.


  • Name: Greenfield Towers

  • Details: The property includes: An independent villa with 6 stories (6 units)

  • Unit Type: Villa

  • Property Classification: Residential Building or Villa.


  • Name: John Doe


  • Name: Residential Lease Agreement

  • Details: A rental agreement connecting a tenant to a specific unit.

  1. 🏠 Navigate to the Property Management section on the dashboard.

  2. ➕ Click Add Property.

  3. 📝 Fill in the New Property Form with the key details, such as:

    • Name: Greenfield Towers

    • Location: Downtown City

    • Classification: Residential Building or Villa

The merchant can choose to either save the property or add new units to it.

a. Clicking on Add Unit Type with Units, at the bottom of the New Property From, opens a form where the property’s unit details can be entered.

b. Click on ADD OR EDIT UNITS to specify the number of units associated with the property.

c. Click on the ADD button to define the details of these units, then fill the required information as illustrated in the below figures.

  1. 💾 Save the property to make it available for actions like tenant assignment or contract creation.

Refer to the Property Management section for further details on managing property settings and custom fields.

  1. 👤 Navigate to the Tenant and Contract Dashboard.

  2. ➕ Click on Add Tenant to register a new tenant.

  3. 📝 Provide essential information to the New Tenant Form, such as:

    • Name: John Doe

    • Contact Details: Email and phone number

    • Assigned Property: Link the tenant to a specific unit or property.

  4. 💾 Save the tenant's profile.

For a comprehensive guide, refer to the Tenant Management section.

  1. ➕ Click on Add Contract to create a lease agreement.

  2. 📝 Fill in the New Contract Form details:

  3. ✅ Finalize and save the contract.

Refer to the Contract Management Guide for additional information on editing and managing contracts.

Invoices While Contracting:

  1. 📄 Access the Property Management Table in the dashboard.

  2. 📊 Click the Filter button to define parameters, such as:

    1. Unit Type Villa

    2. Property Classification, Residential Building or Villa.

  3. 🔍 Click the Print button in the Property Management table to initiate the process.

  4. 📄 The system will automatically generate a PDF containing the unit vacancy details for the Unit Type Villa and Property Classification Residential Building or Villa.

  5. 💾 Once the PDF is generated, download it to your device for record-keeping or sharing.

  1. 📄 Navigate to the Generate Invoice section.

  2. ➕ Choose the property as Greenfield Towers. Specify the desired Period as 2024-12

  3. 🔍 Click Show button.

  4. 🧾 All the relevant invoices will be displayed

  5. Print Invoices:

    1. Clicking the Print button generates a PDF report containing all displayed invoice details, as shown below.

    2. Once generated, the merchant can download it for record-keeping or printing.

  6. Generate Invoices:

    1. Click the GENERATE INVOICES AND SEND PAYMENT LINKS button to generate the displayed invoices.

    2. The associated payment links are automatically sent to the respective recipients.

Refer to the Generate Invoice Guide for detailed instructions.

  1. 🔗The invoice link will be shared automatically with the tenant via email or SMS.

  2. 🖱️ The tenant accesses the payment page by clicking the link.

  3. 💳 Complete the payment using available methods like cards or wallets.

  1. 🚀 To trigger a manual payment, access the Contract Action List. For detailed instructions on accessing the Contract Action List, please refer to this guide.

  2. ➕ Select Manual Payment for recording an offline payment.

  3. 🧾 After selecting Manual Payment, a Manual Payment Form will appear. Fill in the required information to proceed.

  4. ✅ Confirm and save the transaction.

Please refer to the Manual Payment for more information.

  1. 📊 Access the Invoices Dashboard.

  2. 🔍 Use filters for specific invoices or payments by property, tenant, or date range.

  3. 🔎 Review the details.

  4. 🖨️ Clicking the Print button generates a PDF file containing invoice details, allowing the merchant to easily print it.

By following these steps, merchants can effectively manage their properties, tenants, contracts, and financial transactions, ensuring a smooth workflow and maximizing operational efficiency.

Last updated