Upload Attachment

The Upload Attachment API allows merchants to upload a file, generating a file_url that can be linked to transactions. Files can be uploaded independently or directly associated with a transaction by including session_id or order_no in the request.

  • Upload Before session_id Generation: Upload a file before creating a transaction, results generating file_url

  • Upload After session_id Generation: Add files to an existing transaction by providing session_id or order_no.

  • Update File After Payment: Replace an attached file after payment by uploading a new file to be associated with the existing transaction (i.e., attach the invoice).

  • Single file upload per request.

  • Direct transaction linking by including session_id or order_no.

  • Reusable file URLs for new transactions using attachment_upload_url in the Checkout API.

  • Supports URL shortening for easier access with shortify_attachment_url (when session_id or order_no is provided).

  • Maximum file size: Upload limit is 2.5 MB.

  • Support for various file formats such as PDF, JPEG, PNG, DOC, DOCX, JPG, XLS, XLSX, and TXT.

Before using the Upload Attachment API, ensure the following conditions and setup steps are met for successful integration.

  • File Format and Compatibility When uploading a file, ensure it complies with the accepted file formats: PDF, JPEG, PNG, DOC, DOCX, JPG, XLS, XLSX, and TXT. The API will only process files with these extensions.

  • Request Body Format All request parameters, must be sent using multipart/form-data. JSON format is not supported.

Options for Using the Upload Attachment API:

For cases where a file needs to be uploaded to the server before creating any transaction.

  • Upload the file independently to generate a file_url.

  • Use the generated file_url by adding it to the attachment_upload_url parameter in the Checkout API when creating the transaction.

For cases where a file is uploaded to the server after the transaction has been created:

  • Create Transaction: Creating a new transaction using Checkout API. This will result generated session_id and order_no (if provided).

  • Include: session_id or order_no in the Upload Attachment API request payload to link the file directly to an existing transaction.

  • URL Shortening (Optional): When providing session_id or order_no, you may set shortify_attachment_url to true to receive a shortened file URL.

Supported Methods

For Further information, please refer to the Authentication section.

The Upload Attachment API supports two options for uploading the file.

Upload a file before creating a transaction to generate a file_url. This file_url can then be included in the attachment_upload_url parameter of the Checkout API when the transaction is created. This approach is ideal when the file should be accessible from the start of the transaction process.

1. Request Payload

The merchant sends a request to the Upload Attachment API, using the following key parameters in a multipart/form-data format:

  • file (Required): The actual file to be uploaded, in one of the supported formats PDF, JPEG, PNG, DOC, DOCX, JPG, XLS, XLSX, and TXT.

2. Response Payload

Once the upload is complete, the API response includes:

  • file_url(Mandatory): The relative URL of the uploaded file in storage, which can be used to link the file to other transactions.

  • original_filename(Mandatory): The original name of the uploaded file.

Upload a file after the transaction is created. Include session_id or order_no in the upload request to link the file directly to the existing transaction. Optional URL shortening with shortify_attachment_url is available when session_id or order_no is provided. This scenario is helpful when file upload depends on transaction-specific data or upon successful transaction creation.

1. Request Payload

The merchant sends a request to the Upload Attachment API, using the following key parameters in a multipart/form-data format:

  • file (Required): The actual file to be uploaded, in one of the supported formats PDF, JPEG, PNG, DOC, DOCX, JPG, XLS, XLSX, and TXT.

  • session_id or order_no(Required): To identify the transaction for which the file is being uploaded.

  • shortify_attachment_url (Optional): If set to true, the response will include a shortened URL for the uploaded attachment.

2. Response Payload

Once the upload is complete, the API response includes:

  • file_url(Mandatory): The relative URL of the uploaded file in storage, which can be used to link the file to other transactions.

  • original_filename(Mandatory): The original name of the uploaded file.

  • attachment_short_url(Conditional): A shortened URL for the uploaded file, available only when:

    • session_id or order_no is provided.

    • shortify_attachment_url is set to true.

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the Upload Attachment API. Follow these steps to successfully integrate and utilize the API.

Here only the file parameter is required in the Upload Attachment API request payload, as shown below:

1. Upload Attachment Request Payload

curl --location '<<ottu-url>>/checkout/v1/upload-attachment/' \
     --header 'Authorization: ••••••' \
     --form 'file=@example/Ottu_logo.png'

2. Upload Attachment Response Payload

    "file_url": "payment_transactions/attachments/Ottu_logo_1F31q4q.png",
    "original_filename": "Ottu_logo.png"

After the file is uploaded, the API returns a file_url. This URL can be used to link the uploaded file to a new transaction by including it in the attachment_upload_url parameter of the Checkout API request payload.

3. Checkout Request Payload

    "type": "payment_request",
    "pg_codes": ["credit-card"],
    "amount": "1",
    "currency_code": "SAR"

4. Checkout Response Payload

    "attachment": "<<ottu_url>>/media/payment_transactions/attachments/Ottu_logo.png",
    "attachment_upload_url": "payment_transactions/attachments/Ottu_logo_1F31q4q",
    /// rest of checkout response parameters

The transaction identifiers must be included in the Upload Attachment API request payload.

1. Create a Payment Transaction Before uploading an attachment, a payment transaction must be created via the Checkout API. This transaction generates a session_id, which is necessary for the next step.

Checkout Request Payload

    "type": "payment_request",
    "pg_codes": ["credit-card"],
    "amount": "1",
    "currency_code": "SAR"

Generated Transaction identifier:

"session_id": "037ad20c32615e7bc2f9620fd0aec912423e06c4"

Provided Transaction identifier:


Either the generated session_id or the merchant-provided order_no can be used to identify the transaction. In the following steps, we will use session_id as the reference.

2. Prepare the Upload Attachment Request Payload

Once you have the session_id from the payment transaction, prepare your request to upload the attachment.

  • Request Method: POST

  • API Endpoint: <<ottu-url>>/checkout/v1/upload-attachment/

  • Content-Type: multipart/form-data

3. Request Parameters

Ensure that your request includes the following parameters:

  • session_id: The session_id generated during the payment transaction.

  • file: The file path to be uploaded, ensuring it meets the supported file format requirements (PDF, JPEG, PNG, DOC, DOCX, JPG, XLS, XLSX, and TXT)

  • shortify_attachment_url (optional): Set to true if you prefer a shortened URL in the response.

4. Upload Attachment Request Payload

curl --location '<<ottu-url>>/checkout/v1/upload-attachment/' \
     --header 'Authorization: ••••••' \
     --form 'session_id="037ad20c32615e7bc2f9620fd0aec912423e06c4"' \
     --form 'file=@example/Ottu_logo.png' \
     --form 'shortify_attachment_url=true'

5. Upload Attachment Response Payload

If the request is successful, you will receive a response containing the uploaded file’s details, including the file_url and, if applicable, a shortened URL. Here's an example response:

    "file_url": "payment_transactions/attachments/Ottu_logo.png",
    "original_filename": "Ottu_logo.png",
    "attachment_short_url": "https://e.pay.kn/27opcB5ZqxlM"

To ensure a smooth and efficient integration with the Upload Attachment API, follow these best practices:

1. Validate File Types and Sizes

  • Check file formats: Ensure that the uploaded file adheres to the supported formats (pdf, jpeg, png, doc, docx, jpg, xls, xlsx, and txt). This prevents errors during the upload process.

2. Handle API Responses Efficiently

  • Check for errors: Always check the API response for success or failure indicators, and handle errors appropriately. Log any errors for further analysis.

  • Store important details: Save the file_url or attachment_short_url returned in the response for future reference or for displaying to users.

3. Optimize for Performance

  • Use short URLs wisely: Only set shortify_attachment_url to true if you intend to use the shortened URL. Avoid unnecessary operations if the original URL is sufficient.

4. Use session_id or order_no Correctly

  • Transaction identification: You can use either the generated session_id or the merchant-provided order_no to associate the attachment with the transaction. Be sure to use the correct identifier based on your transaction flow.

Direct File Upload with the Checkout API

Merchants can use the Checkout API to create a new transaction and associate a file with it. This can be achieved by including the file through the attachment parameter. However, because multipart/form-data does not support adding nested values to parameters (e.g., notifications or extra), it is often more practical to use the attachment_upload_url. This allows for a more flexible and reliable way to link files to transactions while preserving parameter structure.

The API supports the following file types: pdf, jpeg, png, doc, docx, jpg, xls, xlsx, and txt. Ensure that the file you are uploading is in one of these formats to avoid errors.

Yes, Ottu allows merchants to use a file_url generated from a Upload After session_id Generation, for different transactions.

No, the API does not support multiple files to be uploaded in a single request. It includes only one file per request.

The session_id is generated when you create a payment transaction via the Checkout API. You will use this session_id to associate the attachment with the transaction.

If you try to upload a file with an unsupported format, the API will return an error indicating that the file type is invalid.

The shortify_attachment_url parameter, when set to true, will generate a shortened version of the URL for the uploaded attachment.

The API will return detailed error messages in the response body when an issue occurs, such as unsupported file types, invalid session_id, or file size limits being exceeded. Be sure to implement error handling in your code to display appropriate messages to users.

The file_url is the relative URL of an uploaded file generated by the Upload Attachment API. It can be used to attach the same file to other transactions by including it in the attachment_upload_url parameter of the Checkout API request payload.

Last updated