
The Checkout SDK from Ottu is a Kotlin-based library designed to simplify the integration of an Ottu-powered checkout process into your Android app. This SDK enables you to tailor the appearance and functionality of your checkout process, including the selection of accepted payment methods.

The Checkout SDK must be incorporated into your Android application, and it must be initialized using your Ottu merchant_id, session_id, and API public key. Various settings, such as the accepted payment methods and the theme styling for the checkout interface, may also be specified.

The API private key should never be utilized on the client side; instead, use the API public keyThis is essential for maintaining the security of your application and safeguarding sensitive data.

The SDK can be used on a device running Android 8 or higher (API version 26 or higher).

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ''

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.ottuco:ottu-android-checkout:1.0.6'

The SDK UI is a Fragment embedded in any part of any Activity of the merchant's app. Here is the example:

However, if there’s only one payment option available and it it a wallet, the UI is minified:

The SDK supports two languages, English and Arabic, with English set as the default.

It automatically adopts the language configured in the device settings, requiring no in-app adjustments. However, if a transaction is initiated in a different language and setup preload is utilized, the backend-generated text (such as fee descriptions) will appear in the language of the transaction. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the language code passed to the Checkout API's transaction creation request matches the currently selected language on the device or current selected app language.

The SDK also supports UI customization to match the device theme—light or dark. This adjustment is applied during the SDK initialization, based on the device's settings. Similarly, for language, no adjustments are made within the app.

Currently, the SDK offers a single function that serves as the entry point for the merchant's app. It also includes callbacks that must be managed by the parent app, which are detailed in the following chapter.

The function initiates the checkout process and configures the required settings for the Checkout SDK. It should be invoked once by the parent app to start the checkout sequence, called with set of configuration fields that encapsulate all essential options for the process.

When you call Checkout.init, the SDK manages the setup of key components for the checkout, like generating a form for customers to input their payment information, and facilitating the communication with Ottu's servers to process the payment.

This function returns a Fragment object, which is a native Android UI component that can be integrated into any part of an Activity instance (also native to Android).

merchantId string required

The merchant_id identifies your Ottu merchant domain. It should be the root domain of your Ottu account, excluding the "https://" or "http://" prefix.

For instance, if your Ottu URL is, then your merchant_id would be This attribute is utilized to determine which Ottu merchant account to associate with the checkout process.

apiKey string required

The apiKey is your Ottu API public key, which is essential for authenticating communications with Ottu's servers during the checkout process. As outlined in the REST API documentation, the apiKey property should be assigned your Ottu API public key.

Make sure to use the public key and avoid using the private key. The API private key must be kept confidential at all times and should never be shared with any clients.

sessionId string required

The session_id serves as the unique identifier for the payment transaction linked to the checkout process.

This identifier is automatically generated at the creation of the payment transaction. For additional details on how to utilize the session_id parameter in the Checkout API, refer to the session_id section.

formsOfPayment array optional

The formsOfPayment allows you to select which payment methods will appear during your checkout process. By default, all available payment options are enabled.

The options for formsOfPayment include:

  • ottuPG: This method redirects customers to a page where they can enter their credit or debit card details to make a payment.

  • tokenPay: This payment method utilizes tokenization to securely store and process customers' payment details.

  • redirect: This method redirects customers to a payment gateway or a third-party payment processor for payment completion.

  • stcPay: In this method, customers use their mobile number and confirm the transaction with an OTP sent to their mobile to finalize their payment.

setupPreload object optional

The ApiTransactionDetails class object contains the transaction details. If this object is provided, the SDK will not need to retrieve the transaction details from the backend, thereby saving time.

theme object optional

Theme class object for UI customization. All the fields are optional. Can contain values for background colors, text colors, fonts for various components.. See Customization Theme section for more details.

Please note that theme is optional. If not provided, the default UI settings will be used.

The callback functions used for getting payment status. They should be provided directly to the Checkout initialization function. See Callacks for more information.

In the Checkout SDK, callback functions are essential for delivering real-time updates on the status of payment transactions. These callbacks improve the user experience by facilitating smooth and effective management of different payment scenarios, including errors, successful transactions, and cancellations.

In the Checkout SDK, callback functions are essential for delivering real-time updates on the status of payment transactions. These callbacks improve the user experience by facilitating smooth and effective management of different payment scenarios, including errors, successful transactions, and cancellations.

The callbacks outlined below are applicable to any type of payment.

The errorCallback is a callback function triggered when issues occur during a payment process. Properly handling these errors is essential for maintaining a smooth user experience.

The errorCallback is a callback function triggered when issues occur during a payment process. Properly handling these errors is essential for maintaining a smooth user experience.

The best practice recommended in the event of an error is to restart the checkout process by generating a new session_id through the Checkout API.

To set up the errorCallback function, use the data-error attribute on the Checkout script tag to designate a global function that will manage errors. If an error arises during a payment, the errorCallback function will be called, receiving a JSONObject with a data.status value indicating an error.

Params Available in data JSONObject for errorCallback

  • message mandatory

  • form_of_payment mandatory

  • status mandatory

  • challenge_occurred optional

  • session_id optional

  • order_no optional

  • reference_number optional

The cancelCallback is a callback function in the Checkout SDK that is activated when a payment is canceled.

To configure the cancelCallback function, you can use the data-cancel attribute on the Checkout script tag to specify a global function that will handle cancellations. If a payment is canceled by a customer, the cancelCallback function will be called, and it will receive a JSONObject containing a data.status value of "canceled".

Params Available in data JSONObject for cancelCallback

  • message mandatory

  • form_of_payment mandatory

  • challenge_occurred optional

  • session_id optional

  • status mandatory

  • order_no optional

  • reference_number optional

  • payment_gateway_info optional

In both cancelCallback and errorCallback, the SDK must be reinitialized, either on the same session or on a new session.

The successCallback is a function that is triggered when the payment process is successfully completed. This callback receives a JSONObject containing a data.status value of "success."

Params Available in data JSONObject for successCallback

  • message mandatory

  • form_of_payment mandatory

  • challenge_occurred optional

  • session_id optional

  • status mandatory

  • order_no optional

  • reference_number optional

  • redirect_url optional

  • payment_gateway_info optional

The successCallback function is defined and assigned by setting the data-success attribute on the Checkout script tag. This attribute specifies a global function that will be invoked when the payment process successfully completes.

val theme = getCheckoutTheme()

// Builder class is used to construct an object passed to the SDK initializing function
val builder = Checkout
    .Builder(merchantId!!, sessionId, apiKey!!, amount!!)

// Actual `init` function calling, returning a `Fragment` object  
checkoutFragment = Checkout.init(
    context = this @CheckoutSampleActivity,
    builder = builder,
    setupPreload = setupPreload,
    successCallback = {
        Log.e("TAG", "successCallback: $it")
    cancelCallback = {
        Log.e("TAG", "cancelCallback: $it")
    errorCallback = {
        throwable - >
        Log.e("TAG", "errorCallback: $errorData")
        showResultDialog(errorData, throwable)

The class describing theme is called CheckoutTheme.

Here’s how the customization theme class looks like:

class CheckoutTheme(
    val uiMode: UiMode = UiMode.AUTO,
    val appearanceLight: Appearance ? = null,
    val appearanceDark : Appearance ? = null,
    val showPaymentDetails : Boolean = true,

Determines device theme: light, dark or auto.

These are optional instances of Appearance class (see description below). They allow UI customization for device light and dark mode respectively.

Appearance class is the main inner class of CheckoutTheme. It contains objects describing different UI components. The names of the components mostly correspond to described in this document:

Is a boolean field determining whether “Payment details” section should be displayed or hidden.

Important Note:All properties are optional and customizable by the user. If a property is not specified, the default value, as outlined in the above Figma design, will be used.


Property Name
Data Type


Font and color for all “Captions”


Font and color for payment options in the list


Font and color for payment options details (like expiration date)


Property Name
Data Type


Font and color of fees value in the payment options list


Font and color of fees description in the payment options list


Property Name
Data Type


Font and color of payment details fields (like “Amount”)


Font and color of payment details values


Property Name
Data Type


Font and color of error message text in pop-ups

Property Name
Data Type


Font and color of text in any input field (including disabled state)

Property Name
Data Type


The main background of the SDK view component


The background of any modal window


The background of an item in payment options list


The color of the icon of the payment


The color of “Diskette” button for saving phone number

Property Name
Data Type


Background, text color and font for any button


Color of the “Back” navigation button


Background, text color and font for payment item selection button

Property Name
Data Type


Colors of the switch background and its toggle in different states (on, off and disabled)

Property Name
Data Type


Top, left, bottom and right margins between component

Property Name
Data Type


Main color integer value



Disabled stated color integer value


Property Name
Data Type


Main color integer value



Ripple color integer value



Disabled stated color integer value


Property Name
Data Type


Main color integer value


Font resource ID


Property Name
Data Type


Background color integer value


Text color


Selected text color


Text value


Text value

Property Name
Data Type


Button background color


Button text font ID



Button text color

Property Name
Data Type


Toggle color in checked state



Toggle color in unchecked state



Track color in checked state



Track color in unchecked state



Decoration color in checked state



Decoration color in unchecked state


Property Name
Data Type









To construct the theme, the user needs to carry out actions similar to those detailed in this test app file.

Below is the code snippet:

val appearanceLight = CheckoutTheme.Appearance(
    mainTitleText = CheckoutTheme.Text(
        textColor = CheckoutTheme.Color(Color.WHITE),
    titleText = CheckoutTheme.Text(textColor = CheckoutTheme.Color(Color.BLACK)),
    subtitleText = CheckoutTheme.Text(textColor = CheckoutTheme.Color(Color.BLACK)),

    button = CheckoutTheme.Button(
        rippleColor = CheckoutTheme.RippleColor(
            color = Color.WHITE,
            rippleColor = Color.BLACK,
            colorDisabled = Color.GRAY
        textColor = CheckoutTheme.Color(color = Color.BLACK),
        fontType = R.font.roboto_bold

    margins = Margins(left = 12, top = 4, right = 12, bottom = 4),

    sdkBackgroundColor = CheckoutTheme.Color(color = Color.WHITE)

return CheckoutTheme(
    uiMode = CheckoutTheme.UiMode.AUTO,
    showPaymentDetails = showPaymentDetails,
    appearanceLight = appearanceLight,
    appearanceDark = appearanceDark,

Once the STC Pay integration between Ottu and STC Pay has been completed, the Checkout SDK will automatically handle the necessary checks to seamlessly display the STC Pay button. Upon initialization of the Checkout SDK with your session_id and payment gateway codes (pg_codes), the following conditions are verified automatically:

The session_id and pg_codes supplied during SDK initialization must be linked to the STC Pay Payment Service. This verification ensures that the STC Pay option is available for the customer to select as a payment method.

Regardless of whether a mobile number has been provided by the customer during transaction creation, the STC Pay button is displayed by the Android SDK.

The SDK uses Sentry for error logging and reporting. It is initialized based on the config coming from SDK Studio. However, since the SDK is a framework been embedded to the merchant app it can cause conflicts in case the app also uses Sentry. So the merchant can disable Sentry in the Checkout SDK by setting is_enabled flag to false in the config.

The SDK accommodates various payment forms including tokenPay, ottuPG, redirect, and stcPay. Merchants have the flexibility to showcase specific methods based on their requirements.

For instance, if you wish to exclusively display the STC Pay button, you can achieve this by setting formsOfPayment = [stcPay], which will result in only the STC Pay button being displayed. This approach is applicable to other payment methods as well.

It is required to have a device running Android 8 or higher (Android API level 26 or higher).

Yes, check the Customization theme section.

Last updated